
Explore the various ways you can donate towards making the everyday work of this church possible.

When you give to St. Peter’s you support our liturgies, events, ministries and programs in their commitment to our Mission Statement. The community and staff of St. Peter’s extends their grateful thanks for your generous support!

Logo for Faith Direct, with slogan "Inspiring secure giving"

Online Recurring Giving

Through Faith Direct you can make all of your contributions to St. Peter the Apostle via automatic payment from your checking account or credit card just as you may do now with your mortgage, household bills, and other monthly payments. This is the most streamlined, cost-effective, environmentally-friendly way for you to give donations. Visit the FAQs to learn more.

One-Time and Offline Gifts

Cash, checks and offering envelopes can be placed in the offering boxes outside the church doors. Offering envelopes are available by request only for parishioners, and the form below can also be used to request receiving, discontinuing, or updating your address for offering envelopes.

One-time gifts can also be accepted online through Venmo or FaithDirect (no account required).

The Heritage Fund

The Heritage Fund is a way to donate to St. Peter’s to meet specific parish needs that the Sunday collection cannot support. The funding it receives will help to keep St. Peter’s as the rock on which others can build their faith.

  • The fund will maintain a list of projects and things that need funding beyond what the Sunday collection can support such as unexpected repairs to energy bills for the church grounds and growing and improving our St. Peter’s community experience.

    Our “Wish List” for 2025 includes:

    • Increasing parking lot safety

    • Updating church technology equipment

    • Providing resources for spirituality groups

    • Hosting a spirituality weekend for couples

    • Staff professional development

    • Enhancing our environment for gatherings and worship

    • Preparing for unexpected parish expenses

  • As good stewards of God’s gift of treasure from you, St. Peter’s plans and saves for the future by setting aside reserves to cover maintenance and repairs, and for unanticipated drops in Sunday collections. But like the rest of the community, St. Peter’s has needs that require funding beyond what the weekly collection can support.

  • This fund does not need to be assessed by the Archdiocese.

  • Thank you for asking!

    • Besides cash, you may donate appreciated stocks, bonds or mutual funds.

    • St. Peter’s can be named as a beneficiary to life insurance policies.

    • Annuities and trusts can be established to benefit you during your life and St. Peter’s after you die.

    All bequests have tax and estate planning implications. Always talk to a professional before making any financial decisions.

  • Donations of any size are welcome. Thank you for your generosity!

  • No, you do not need to create an account to make your donation. However, we recommend signing in first if you do have an account.

  • There are two acceptable ways to complete the check:

    • In the Pay to the Order Of line, write St. Peter the Apostle Church Heritage Fund

    • In the Pay to the Order Of line, write St. Peter the Apostle Church AND in the Memo line, write Heritage Fund

Related Happenings

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

— 2 Corinthians 9:7

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