Outreach & Volunteering
Follow Jesus’ footsteps in serving others and preserving God’s intentions for our world.
Ministry to the Sick and Homebound
Make a difference in the lives of our sisters and brothers who wish to stay connected to Christ when their situation does not enable them to come to church.
Respect Life
Apply your and God’s love for the human life in all its stages towards spreading awareness and supporting families in crisis.
Parish Food Pantry
Support those in need by stocking the food pantry. Help by donating non-perishable items to the collection area next to the Gathering Space, or join to assist with distribution each week.
Seed to Table Community Garden
Help care for a community garden at St. Peter’s that offers fresh produce to the St. Peter’s Food Pantry.
Advocacy for Peace & Justice
Exercise your passion for humanity towards raising awareness, engaging in prayer, and organizing activities that work towards protecting the basic human rights of all children of God.
Equal Exchange Fair Trade Sales
Help with monthly sales of fair trade goods that cut the middle man out so farms can get a good wage, care for their families and their land.
Walk-in Supper
Join other parishioners in feeding the homeless at a local shelter several times per year. You can contribute by baking, setting up, serving (ages 18+), or cleaning up.
Harrison House
Bring comfort and nourishment to the people of the Harrison House with HIV/AIDS by taking a turn at preparing and delivering a dinner to them.
Food Drives
Support families in need with food and basic household goods through donating to or assisting the cause. Four food drives are held per year and will be announced.
Turkey Drive
Help provide a Thanksgiving dinner to families in need through donating to or assisting the cause. Look for the seasonal announcements every November!
Advent Giving Tree
Bring Christmas joy to a family or individual in need through giving to or assisting this cause. Look for the seasonal announcements every November!
Related Happenings

“Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due when it is in your power to act.”
— Proverbs 3:27