News & Events
Here’s what’s happening at St. Peter’s.
Join us this Lent as we prepare to celebrate the Lord’s Resurrection through seeking God through prayer, serving through almsgiving, and putting Christ in focus through fasting.
Latest News
Upcoming Events & Ministry Activities
All are welcome. Looking for something else? Access our office’s full parish calendar.

Food Pantry Food Drive
ShopRite of New Milford is once again collecting donations for St. Peter's Food Pantry. They will be collecting during the months of March and April. Among our most needed items are tuna fish, pasta sauce, canned fruit, mac and cheese and rice. The bins are located in the front of the store after check out.
Please support our pantry! Thank you!

Advocacy for Peace & Justice Ministry 3/25 Meeting
The Advocacy for Peace & Justice Ministry will be meeting at 7:30pm in the Parish Center. All are welcome! New members are invited to join this important ministry as we move forward in response to the needs in our community.
Prayer for Justice
Grant us, Lord God, a vision of your world as your love would have it:
a world where the weak are protected, and none go hungry or poor;
a world where the riches of creation are shared, and everyone can enjoy them;
a world where different races and cultures live in harmony and mutual respect;
a world where peace is built with justice, and justice is guided by love.
Give us the inspiration and courage to build it, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Source: Catholic Online

A Lenten Evening of Peace and Friendship 3/25
To prepare for Easter and the celebration of our Lord’s resurrection, we are holding a Lenten journey of weekly evening gatherings of Lenten Evenings of Peace & Friendship. These casual weekly gatherings of scripture reflection and discussion will be held at 7:30pm live in the Chapel and on Zoom.
For Zoom link, please e-mail: SCC@saint-peter.org.
You’re welcome to gather with us at any or all of these dates. There are no sign ups or anything to join.
Tuesday, March 4th
Tuesday, March 11th
Tuesday, March 18th
Tuesday, March 25th
Wednesday, April 2nd (Yes, this one is on a Wednesday!)
Tuesday, April 8th
Sponsored by St. Peter’s Small Christian Communities.

MOMS Group 3/26
The MOMS Group meets most Wednesdays from 9:30-11am at the St. Peter’s Rectory, depending on the season and the weather. Please sign up for the Flocknote to receive notifications on locations, cancellations and reminders.
This is an informal play group designed for babies & toddlers and their moms, dads or grandparents to connect with one another in a Christian atmosphere. It’s especially helpful for new parents going through transition and looking for a supportive environment for getting out of the house and developing friendships rooted in a faith community. New and returning faces are always welcome!

Prayer Shawl Ministry 3/28
Prayer Shawl Ministry meets most Wednesdays at 10am in the Parish Center. New members are always welcome.

Journey Retreat 2025
The St. Peter's Youth Group is going on their annual Journey Retreat from March 28th - 30th at Camp Shiloh. Registration is open now until March 19th for all high school students. Please reach out to Hannah Schmitz at hschmitz@saint-peter.org regarding questions, registration forms, etc. All are welcome to join us for a weekend of fun, fellowship, and faith!

Stations of the Cross 3/28
Each Friday during Lent you’re invited to a spiritual journey through the path of Christ’s suffering, from Pilate's praetorium to His tomb. You will be guided through the 14 stations of the cross around the church with prayer, meditation and reflection, with booklets provided to assist you.
Stations of the Cross takes place at St. Peter’s on the following dates and times:
Friday, March 7th at 7pm
Friday, March 14th at 7pm
Friday, March 21st at 7pm
Friday, March 28th at 7pm
Friday, April 4th at 7pm
Friday, April 11th at 7pm
Good Friday, April 18th at 12pm
Come experience this powerful way to connect more deeply with the story of Christ's sacrifice.
Curious how Stations of the Cross originated? Learn more here.

Liturgy of the Word with Children 3/30
Liturgy of the Word with Children is back! All children in grades 1-5 are welcome to attend during the 10AM or 12PM Mass the weekends of March 23rd, March 30th, and April 6th. Children enrolled in Faith Formation at St. Peter's are expected to attend one session every week, but all students are welcome to attend. The students should attend Mass with their parents, and they will be invited to go to Parish Center before the First Reading and will be back during the Offertory. During that time, the students will go through the Mass readings and hear a brief teaching before returning to their guardians to participate in the rest of Mass.

School of Prayer: St. Peter's Lenten Parish Mission 2025
This Lent we invite you to deepen your relationship with God through strengthening your prayer life. Each night of St. Peter’s Lenten Parish Mission invites you to engage with the Lord through learning prayer techniques and putting them into action. Every night will have music, and the final of the three nights concludes with Eucharistic Adoration and the opportunity for Confessions as well.
Sunday, March 30th at 7pm: “Finding Peace Amidst the Noise”
Join us as we kick off our mission, with a chance to step away from the busyness of life and enter into a deeper encounter with God. With music led by Jim Gregory (Director of Music Ministry) and a talk and guided meditation by Allison Oblen (Director of Faith Formation), you will have the chance to engage in scripture with your imagination, rooted in the wisdom of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Step away. Be still. Encounter Christ in a new way.
Monday, March 31st at 7pm: “Divine Reading”
Enjoy prayerful music followed by a reflection led by Chris Black (Pastoral Associate for Adult Faith Formation) on praying with scripture. Together with others, you’ll have the opportunity to practice opening your heart and mind to what God is trying to tell you through the bible. The night will conclude with additional prayer and music.
Tuesday, April 1st at 7pm: “Turn to God”
On the final night, prayerful music will lead into a talk led by Marissa Dabakian (Director of Stewardship and Development). You’ll learn about the Catholic concept of contrition and how this sorrow moves us to a deeper experience of God's love and mercy. In this spirit of conversion, we will prepare ourselves to receive forgiveness through Reconciliation and pray before the Lord through Adoration. Hannah Schmitz (Notre Dame ECHO Apprentice) will lead a brief reflection on Eucharistic Adoration before all will be invited to engage in the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions.
This Parish Mission is recommended for adults and teens. Each night’s programming will be approximately 1.5 hours. While the most enhanced experience will be to attend all three nights, all are welcome to attend any single night. Come pray with us!

Parish Pilgrimage to France - Registration Deadline
There's still time to register for the France Pilgrimage!
Join Fr. AJ and your fellow parishioners in beautiful France! Pilgrimage to Notre Dame in Paris, the beaches of Normandy, St. Therese's hometown, and many more holy places this October 2025. The deadline to register has been extended to April 1, 2025. To obtain a brochure and register, please contact the Rectory at 201-261-3366.

MOMS Group 4/2
The MOMS Group meets most Wednesdays from 9:30-11am at the St. Peter’s Rectory, depending on the season and the weather. Please sign up for the Flocknote to receive notifications on locations, cancellations and reminders.
This is an informal play group designed for babies & toddlers and their moms, dads or grandparents to connect with one another in a Christian atmosphere. It’s especially helpful for new parents going through transition and looking for a supportive environment for getting out of the house and developing friendships rooted in a faith community. New and returning faces are always welcome!

Prayer Shawl Ministry 4/2
Prayer Shawl Ministry meets most Wednesdays at 10am in the Parish Center. New members are always welcome.

A Lenten Evening of Peace and Friendship 4/2
To prepare for Easter and the celebration of our Lord’s resurrection, we are holding a Lenten journey of weekly evening gatherings of Lenten Evenings of Peace & Friendship. These casual weekly gatherings of scripture reflection and discussion will be held at 7:30pm live in the Chapel and on Zoom.
For Zoom link, please e-mail: SCC@saint-peter.org.
You’re welcome to gather with us at any or all of these dates. There are no sign ups or anything to join.
Tuesday, March 4th
Tuesday, March 11th
Tuesday, March 18th
Tuesday, March 25th
Wednesday, April 2nd (Yes, this one is on a Wednesday!)
Tuesday, April 8th
Sponsored by St. Peter’s Small Christian Communities.

Support Group for Singles, Divorced and Widowed 4/3 Meeting
Tired of being alone? St. Peter's Support Group for Singles, Divorced and Widowed could be the answer!!! This group is devoted to helping people rebuild social lives after a divorce, loss of spouse or loved one, or the isolation of life as a single adult. Its leaders and compassionate members have been through, survived and prospered after similar situations.
This warm and caring group of sincere people have created a community that supplies generous support to its members. First time visitors are offered a private orientation by one of our group leaders. Meetings are held on most 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month at 7pm in the Parish Center. For more information check out the group’s website.

SPA Spring Flower Sale 2025 Orders Due
Spring is right around the corner so it's time to order your flats of flowers, potted plants, herbs and hanging baskets! The St. Peter Academy Spring Flower Sale is on and we are ready to take your orders!
Order forms may be found in all the "Take One" racks in the Gathering Space and church exits or you may download the form below. All orders must be received by Friday, April 4, 2025. Please review the order form and mark your selections carefully.
The plants will be delivered to the school parking lot on Tuesday, May 6th from 12 noon - 6pm.
Thank you for your support of this St. Peter Academy fundraiser! If you have any questions, please contact Teresa Donohue at TDonohue@spare.org.

Stations of the Cross 4/4
Each Friday during Lent you’re invited to a spiritual journey through the path of Christ’s suffering, from Pilate's praetorium to His tomb. You will be guided through the 14 stations of the cross around the church with prayer, meditation and reflection, with booklets provided to assist you.
Stations of the Cross takes place at St. Peter’s on the following dates and times:
Friday, March 7th at 7pm
Friday, March 14th at 7pm
Friday, March 21st at 7pm
Friday, March 28th at 7pm
Friday, April 4th at 7pm
Friday, April 11th at 7pm
Good Friday, April 18th at 12pm
Come experience this powerful way to connect more deeply with the story of Christ's sacrifice.
Curious how Stations of the Cross originated? Learn more here.

Mass of Anointing of the Sick 2025
St. Peter the Apostle Parish will celebrate an annual Anointing of the Sick Mass on Saturday, April 5th at 11am.
This sacrament may be received more than once and is for any person who has become ill and is in danger of subsequent sickness. We especially encourage the elderly to be candidates, but anyone facing major surgery, a serious illness, or anyone who has been afflicted for a long time is invited to receive the sacrament.
Lunch will be served in the Parish Center immediately following the Mass. We sincerely hope that you can join us!
Please call the rectory at 201-261-3366 or email Chris Black at cblack@saint-peter.org and let us know if you wish to be anointed at the communal Anointing of the Sick and if you plan to attend the luncheon.

Fair Trade Sale (April 5/6th)
Equal Exchange goods such as coffee, tea, chocolate and nuts will be available for purchase after all Masses in the Gathering Space.
Buying from fair trade sales supports ethical and sustainable practices in global trade. Fair trade ensures that farmers — often in developing countries — receive fair wages, work in safe conditions, and have access to community development funds. This approach helps combat poverty and promotes environmental sustainability to protect God’s earth.
Organized by the Advocacy for Peace and Justice Ministry.

Community Saturday 4/5
Stick around after the 5pm Mass for Community Saturday in the Parish Center — where faith and friendships pair perfectly.
This monthly wine & cheese social is hosted by the community, for the community. It’s a great opportunity for parishioners to wrap up or kick off their Saturday night with the good company of this faith community.
Sign up for your turn to help host 🙋🙋♂️
Volunteers for Community Saturday can sign up to help host by bringing wine or drinks and/or an appetizer. It is also a great opportunity to reach out to your fellow parishioners to help host. Apps can be quick and easy or elaborate as you would like. You can bring wine and appetizers to the Parish Center kitchen before Mass, which has a fridge to keep things cold.
We will supply the cups, small plates, napkins, and wine opener. Please feel free to bring whatever else you may like. We look forward to seeing you and your family!

Liturgy of the Word with Children 4/6
Liturgy of the Word with Children is back! All children in grades 1-5 are welcome to attend during the 10AM or 12PM Mass the weekends of March 23rd, March 30th, and April 6th. Children enrolled in Faith Formation at St. Peter's are expected to attend one session every week, but all students are welcome to attend. The students should attend Mass with their parents, and they will be invited to go to Parish Center before the First Reading and will be back during the Offertory. During that time, the students will go through the Mass readings and hear a brief teaching before returning to their guardians to participate in the rest of Mass.

Bible in a Year Discussion Group 4/7
Need some more bible in your life? Tune in to the Bible in a Year podcast! Join in any time throughout the year for casual discussion on readings/episodes of the previous 7 days. The group meets most Monday nights at 7pm in the Parish Center.
All are welcome to join fellow parishioners in journeying through the Bible in 365 days through Fr. Mike Schmitz’s Bible in a Year daily podcast on Hallow app, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube on your own — with or without the discussion group!

Lent Deanery Communal Penance Service
This Lent the St. Peter the Apostle Church will host a deanery communal penance service on April 7, 2025 at 7pm. All are welcome to receive Reconciliation.
“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord,”

A Lenten Evening of Peace and Friendship 4/8
To prepare for Easter and the celebration of our Lord’s resurrection, we are holding a Lenten journey of weekly evening gatherings of Lenten Evenings of Peace & Friendship. These casual weekly gatherings of scripture reflection and discussion will be held at 7:30pm live in the Chapel and on Zoom.
For Zoom link, please e-mail: SCC@saint-peter.org.
You’re welcome to gather with us at any or all of these dates. There are no sign ups or anything to join.
Tuesday, March 4th
Tuesday, March 11th
Tuesday, March 18th
Tuesday, March 25th
Wednesday, April 2nd (Yes, this one is on a Wednesday!)
Tuesday, April 8th
Sponsored by St. Peter’s Small Christian Communities.

MOMS Group 4/9
The MOMS Group meets most Wednesdays from 9:30-11am at the St. Peter’s Rectory, depending on the season and the weather. Please sign up for the Flocknote to receive notifications on locations, cancellations and reminders.
This is an informal play group designed for babies & toddlers and their moms, dads or grandparents to connect with one another in a Christian atmosphere. It’s especially helpful for new parents going through transition and looking for a supportive environment for getting out of the house and developing friendships rooted in a faith community. New and returning faces are always welcome!

Prayer Shawl Ministry 4/9
Prayer Shawl Ministry meets most Wednesdays at 10am in the Parish Center. New members are always welcome.

Prayer Shawl Ministry 4/11
Prayer Shawl Ministry meets most Wednesdays at 10am in the Parish Center. New members are always welcome.

Stations of the Cross 4/11
Each Friday during Lent you’re invited to a spiritual journey through the path of Christ’s suffering, from Pilate's praetorium to His tomb. You will be guided through the 14 stations of the cross around the church with prayer, meditation and reflection, with booklets provided to assist you.
Stations of the Cross takes place at St. Peter’s on the following dates and times:
Friday, March 7th at 7pm
Friday, March 14th at 7pm
Friday, March 21st at 7pm
Friday, March 28th at 7pm
Friday, April 4th at 7pm
Friday, April 11th at 7pm
Good Friday, April 18th at 12pm
Come experience this powerful way to connect more deeply with the story of Christ's sacrifice.
Curious how Stations of the Cross originated? Learn more here.

Stations of the Cross 4/18
Each Friday during Lent you’re invited to a spiritual journey through the path of Christ’s suffering, from Pilate's praetorium to His tomb. You will be guided through the 14 stations of the cross around the church with prayer, meditation and reflection, with booklets provided to assist you.
Stations of the Cross takes place at St. Peter’s on the following dates and times:
Friday, March 7th at 7pm
Friday, March 14th at 7pm
Friday, March 21st at 7pm
Friday, March 28th at 7pm
Friday, April 4th at 7pm
Friday, April 11th at 7pm
Good Friday, April 18th at 12pm
Come experience this powerful way to connect more deeply with the story of Christ's sacrifice.
Curious how Stations of the Cross originated? Learn more here.

MOMS Group 4/23
The MOMS Group meets most Wednesdays from 9:30-11am at the St. Peter’s Rectory, depending on the season and the weather. Please sign up for the Flocknote to receive notifications on locations, cancellations and reminders.
This is an informal play group designed for babies & toddlers and their moms, dads or grandparents to connect with one another in a Christian atmosphere. It’s especially helpful for new parents going through transition and looking for a supportive environment for getting out of the house and developing friendships rooted in a faith community. New and returning faces are always welcome!

Prayer Shawl Ministry 4/23
Prayer Shawl Ministry meets most Wednesdays at 10am in the Parish Center. New members are always welcome.

Communications Ministry 4/23 Meeting
Our St. Peter’s Communications Ministry serves our parish through spreading awareness of what’s happening in our faith community and building connections and spiritual support beyond the Mass. This small team of volunteers runs our Facebook and Instagram pages, website, bulletin, and media screen. Your talents and passions are needed — selecting scripture quotes, designing graphics, writing prayers, editing videos, researching saints, photographing events, and more.
New and returning faces are always welcome to join our monthly meeting the Parish Center at 7:30pm.
Questions? Please contact Liz Rutz at communications@saint-peter.org.
The latest from @StPeterRiverEdgeNJ

Prayer Shawl Ministry 4/25
Prayer Shawl Ministry meets most Wednesdays at 10am in the Parish Center. New members are always welcome.

Connect with Coffee & Conversation 4/27
Our next meeting is going to be on April 27 after the 10am Mass in the Parish Center.
Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to connect with some of the Seniors at St. Peter’s over a warm cup of coffee.
Open to all parishioners ages 55+

Bible in a Year Discussion Group 4/28
Need some more bible in your life? Tune in to the Bible in a Year podcast! Join in any time throughout the year for casual discussion on readings/episodes of the previous 7 days. The group meets most Monday nights at 7pm in the Parish Center.
All are welcome to join fellow parishioners in journeying through the Bible in 365 days through Fr. Mike Schmitz’s Bible in a Year daily podcast on Hallow app, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube on your own — with or without the discussion group!

Advocacy for Peace & Justice Ministry 4/29 Meeting
The Advocacy for Peace & Justice Ministry will be meeting at 7:30pm in the Parish Center. All are welcome! New members are invited to join this important ministry as we move forward in response to the needs in our community.

MOMS Group 4/30
The MOMS Group meets most Wednesdays from 9:30-11am at the St. Peter’s Rectory, depending on the season and the weather. Please sign up for the Flocknote to receive notifications on locations, cancellations and reminders.
This is an informal play group designed for babies & toddlers and their moms, dads or grandparents to connect with one another in a Christian atmosphere. It’s especially helpful for new parents going through transition and looking for a supportive environment for getting out of the house and developing friendships rooted in a faith community. New and returning faces are always welcome!

Prayer Shawl Ministry 4/30
Prayer Shawl Ministry meets most Wednesdays at 10am in the Parish Center. New members are always welcome.

Spring Gala 2025
All are welcome to celebrate St. Peter's and our amazing community on May 6, 2025 at Seasons! We will especially honor Fr. Michael Sheehan, Eileen Hanrahan, and Peter and Pui Ng.
Visit www.saint-peter.org/gala2025 for more information about purchasing tickets, 50/50 raffle, ad journal opportunities, sponsorships, and other ways to support the Gala.
Contact Marissa at mdabakian@saint-peter.org with any questions.

Last day to register for 2025 Anniversary Mass
May 10, 2025 is the last day to register for your marriage to be celebrated and blessed by Cardinal Tobin at Cathedral Basilica if you are celebrating your 5th, 25th or 50th anniversary this year.
To register for this mass please call the rectory at 201-261-3366 by May 10, 2025.

Fun in the Sun Day Trip
The St. Peter's Support Group invites all to join in on "Fun in the Sun" on Wednesday, June 18, 2025. The bus leaves St. Peter's parking lot at 9:30 a.m. and heads to The Shore Club in Spring Lake, NJ. There you will enjoy a delicious lunch, dance, sing and experience tributes to Billy Joel, Carol King and Roy Orbison. The second stop will be Point Pleasant where you can enjoy the boardwalk (sitting or walking — your choice). The bus will return to River Edge at approximately 7pm.
Cost is $145. Contact Kathy Coviello at 201-961-5650 to sign up and send payment.

Parish Festival Mass & Picnic 2025
The Parish Picnic is back! Join us in Veteran’s Memorial Park on Sunday, June 29, 2025 to celebrate the Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul followed by and afternoon of food, fun and music!
Stay tuned for ways you can volunteer to help make this day possible.

Bible in a Year Discussion Group 3/24
Need some more bible in your life? Tune in to the Bible in a Year podcast! Join in any time throughout the year for casual discussion on readings/episodes of the previous 7 days. The group meets most Monday nights at 7pm in the Parish Center.
All are welcome to join fellow parishioners in journeying through the Bible in 365 days through Fr. Mike Schmitz’s Bible in a Year daily podcast on Hallow app, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube on your own — with or without the discussion group!

Liturgy of the Word with Children 3/23
Liturgy of the Word with Children is back! All children in grades 1-5 are welcome to attend during the 10AM or 12PM Mass the weekends of March 23rd, March 30th, and April 6th. Children enrolled in Faith Formation at St. Peter's are expected to attend one session every week, but all students are welcome to attend. The students should attend Mass with their parents, and they will be invited to go to Parish Center before the First Reading and will be back during the Offertory. During that time, the students will go through the Mass readings and hear a brief teaching before returning to their guardians to participate in the rest of Mass.

Spring Gala 2025 Ticket Sales
All are welcome to celebrate St. Peter's and our amazing community on May 6, 2025 at Seasons! We will especially honor Fr. Michael Sheehan, Eileen Hanrahan, and Peter and Pui Ng.
Join us after all the Masses on March 22nd and 23rd to purchase your tickets.
Visit www.saint-peter.org/gala2025 for more information about purchasing tickets, 50/50 raffle, ad journal opportunities, sponsorships, and other ways to support the Gala fundraiser for St. Peter’s.
Contact Marissa at mdabakian@saint-peter.org with any questions.

Line Dance for a Cause: Bringing a Taste of Nashville to St. Peter's
Each week St Peter’s offers prayers to those community members in need. A young community member that we have been praying for is currently battling a rare form of cancer.
St Peter’s is supporting a fundraiser for Rhabdomyosarcoma research in support of Cian Dankin. The St. Peter’s community respects Cian’s courageous fight and we strive to support research in hopes of a bright outcome for all diagnosed patients.
All proceeds from our upcoming Line Dance fundraiser will support Alice's Arc, a children's cancer charity dedicated to funding research. For more information, please visit https://www.alicesarc.org.
Did you know?
160,000 children across the globe are diagnosed annually with cancer
Childhood cancer is the number 1 killer of children under the age of 14
Only 4 new drugs have been approved in the last 20 years to treat childhood cancers
How can you help?
Join us for an evening of Line Dancing at St. Peter's! Diana Daniel from 'Discover Line Dance' will lead instruction and a motivating evening for all. No experience is necessary- just bring your energy and enthusiasm!
Corral up your friends, put on some dancing shoes, pack some snacks, and please join us for this important cause. Suggested donation $25 per person.
Event Details
March 22, 2025
6-9 PM
St. Peter's Gymnasium
Kindly fill out the following form to reserve your spot, to donate, or to inquire about the event.

Stations of the Cross 3/21
Each Friday during Lent you’re invited to a spiritual journey through the path of Christ’s suffering, from Pilate's praetorium to His tomb. You will be guided through the 14 stations of the cross around the church with prayer, meditation and reflection, with booklets provided to assist you.
Stations of the Cross takes place at St. Peter’s on the following dates and times:
Friday, March 7th at 7pm
Friday, March 14th at 7pm
Friday, March 21st at 7pm
Friday, March 28th at 7pm
Friday, April 4th at 7pm
Friday, April 11th at 7pm
Good Friday, April 18th at 12pm
Come experience this powerful way to connect more deeply with the story of Christ's sacrifice.
Curious how Stations of the Cross originated? Learn more here.

Prayer Shawl Ministry 3/21
Prayer Shawl Ministry meets most Wednesdays at 10am in the Parish Center. New members are always welcome.

Bridge Makers 3/20 Meeting
Bridge Makers, a joint ministry of St. Peter the Apostle, River Edge and St. Mary's Church, Dumont, is a faith sharing community of LGBTQ, family, and friends. We will be meeting on Thursday, March 20, 2025 at 7pm at St. Peter's in the Parish Center.
Please contact Deacon Paul Kazanecki (pkazanecki@saint-peter.org) or Deacon John Sylvester (deaconjohn@stmarysdumont.org) for further information.

Support Group for Singles, Divorced and Widowed 3/20
Tired of being alone? St. Peter's Support Group for Singles, Divorced and Widowed could be the answer!!! This group is devoted to helping people rebuild social lives after a divorce, loss of spouse or loved one, or the isolation of life as a single adult. Its leaders and compassionate members have been through, survived and prospered after similar situations.
This warm and caring group of sincere people have created a community that supplies generous support to its members. First time visitors are offered a private orientation by one of our group leaders. Meetings are held on most 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month at 7pm in the Parish Center. For more information check out the group’s website.

Communications Ministry 3/19
Our St. Peter’s Communications Ministry serves our parish through spreading awareness of what’s happening in our faith community and building connections and spiritual support beyond the Mass. This small team of volunteers runs our Facebook and Instagram pages, website, bulletin, and media screen. Your talents and passions are needed — selecting scripture quotes, designing graphics, writing prayers, editing videos, researching saints, photographing events, and more.
New and returning faces are always welcome to join our monthly meeting. This March 19th meeting will take place at 7:30pm in the Library.
Questions? Please contact Liz Rutz at communications@saint-peter.org.
The latest from @StPeterRiverEdgeNJ

MOMS Group 3/19
The MOMS Group meets most Wednesdays from 9:30-11am at the St. Peter’s Rectory, depending on the season and the weather. Please sign up for the Flocknote to receive notifications on locations, cancellations and reminders.
This is an informal play group designed for babies & toddlers and their moms, dads or grandparents to connect with one another in a Christian atmosphere. It’s especially helpful for new parents going through transition and looking for a supportive environment for getting out of the house and developing friendships rooted in a faith community. New and returning faces are always welcome!

A Lenten Evening of Peace and Friendship 3/18
To prepare for Easter and the celebration of our Lord’s resurrection, we are holding a Lenten journey of weekly evening gatherings of Lenten Evenings of Peace & Friendship. These casual weekly gatherings of scripture reflection and discussion will be held at 7:30pm live in the Chapel and on Zoom.
For Zoom link, please e-mail: SCC@saint-peter.org.
You’re welcome to gather with us at any or all of these dates. There are no sign ups or anything to join.
Tuesday, March 4th
Tuesday, March 11th
Tuesday, March 18th
Tuesday, March 25th
Wednesday, April 2nd (Yes, this one is on a Wednesday!)
Tuesday, April 8th
Sponsored by St. Peter’s Small Christian Communities.

Bible in a Year Discussion Group 3/17
Need some more bible in your life? Tune in to the Bible in a Year podcast! Join in any time throughout the year for casual discussion on readings/episodes of the previous 7 days. The group meets most Monday nights at 7pm in the Parish Center.
All are welcome to join fellow parishioners in journeying through the Bible in 365 days through Fr. Mike Schmitz’s Bible in a Year daily podcast on Hallow app, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube on your own — with or without the discussion group!

Youth Group 3/16
Join Youth Ministry for fun and fellowship! All 9th-12th grade students are welcome to join in on our Youth Group sessions, which happen on most Sunday evenings during the academic year, from 7-9pm in the Youth Room.
Follow us on Instagram @stpeters.yg

Stations of the Cross 3/14
Each Friday during Lent you’re invited to a spiritual journey through the path of Christ’s suffering, from Pilate's praetorium to His tomb. You will be guided through the 14 stations of the cross around the church with prayer, meditation and reflection, with booklets provided to assist you.
Stations of the Cross takes place at St. Peter’s on the following dates and times:
Friday, March 7th at 7pm
Friday, March 14th at 7pm
Friday, March 21st at 7pm
Friday, March 28th at 7pm
Friday, April 4th at 7pm
Friday, April 11th at 7pm
Good Friday, April 18th at 12pm
Come experience this powerful way to connect more deeply with the story of Christ's sacrifice.
Curious how Stations of the Cross originated? Learn more here.

Prayer Shawl Ministry 3/14
Prayer Shawl Ministry meets most Wednesdays at 10am in the Parish Center. New members are always welcome.

New Evangelization Ministry 3/13 Meeting
New Evangelization Ministry typically meets every second Thursday of the month at 7:45pm in the Parish Center. New members are welcome to join.

Notre Dame Vision 2025 Information Session
Vision is a 5-day immersive faith retreat in South Bend, Indiana. All high school students (entering grade 9 through newly-graduated seniors) are invited to explore how God is calling you to use your gifts and talents to change the world. This is an incredible opportunity for you to deepen your faith and make new friends on Notre Dame’s beautiful campus!
There are two sessions of Vision this summer:
June 23-27, 2025
July 7-11, 2025
If interested, please attend the Information Session on Wednesday, March 12th at 7pm in the Parish Center. Hannah Schmitz, our Echo Apprentice, will be answering questions about registration, travel, and cost during the meeting. It will also be an opportunity to hear from previous Vision attendees about their experience.

MOMS Group 3/12
The MOMS Group meets most Wednesdays from 9:30-11am at the St. Peter’s Rectory, depending on the season and the weather. Please sign up for the Flocknote to receive notifications on locations, cancellations and reminders.
This is an informal play group designed for babies & toddlers and their moms, dads or grandparents to connect with one another in a Christian atmosphere. It’s especially helpful for new parents going through transition and looking for a supportive environment for getting out of the house and developing friendships rooted in a faith community. New and returning faces are always welcome!

A Lenten Evening of Peace and Friendship 3/11
To prepare for Easter and the celebration of our Lord’s resurrection, we are holding a Lenten journey of weekly evening gatherings of Lenten Evenings of Peace & Friendship. These casual weekly gatherings of scripture reflection and discussion will be held at 7:30pm live in the Chapel and on Zoom.
For Zoom link, please e-mail: SCC@saint-peter.org.
You’re welcome to gather with us at any or all of these dates. There are no sign ups or anything to join.
Tuesday, March 4th
Tuesday, March 11th
Tuesday, March 18th
Tuesday, March 25th
Wednesday, April 2nd (Yes, this one is on a Wednesday!)
Tuesday, April 8th
Sponsored by St. Peter’s Small Christian Communities.

Bible in a Year Discussion Group 3/10
Need some more bible in your life? Tune in to the Bible in a Year podcast! Join in any time throughout the year for casual discussion on readings/episodes of the previous 7 days. The group meets most Monday nights at 7pm in the Parish Center.
All are welcome to join fellow parishioners in journeying through the Bible in 365 days through Fr. Mike Schmitz’s Bible in a Year daily podcast on Hallow app, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube on your own — with or without the discussion group!

Youth Group 3/9
Join Youth Ministry for fun and fellowship! All 9th-12th grade students are welcome to join in on our Youth Group sessions, which happen on most Sunday evenings during the academic year, from 7-9pm in the Youth Room.
Follow us on Instagram @stpeters.yg

Community Saturday 3/8
Stick around after the 5pm Mass for Community Saturday in the Parish Center — where faith and friendships pair perfectly.
This monthly wine & cheese social is hosted by the community, for the community. It’s a great opportunity for parishioners to wrap up or kick off their Saturday night with the good company of this faith community.
Sign up for your turn to help host 🙋🙋♂️
Volunteers for Community Saturday can sign up to help host by bringing wine or drinks and/or an appetizer. It is also a great opportunity to reach out to your fellow parishioners to help host. Apps can be quick and easy or elaborate as you would like. You can bring wine and appetizers to the Parish Center kitchen before Mass, which has a fridge to keep things cold.
We will supply the cups, small plates, napkins, and wine opener. Please feel free to bring whatever else you may like. We look forward to seeing you and your family!

Food Drive (March 8/9th)
A Center for Food Action Food Drive will be held in the Gathering Space. Donations can be dropped off before and after each Mass up until 1:15 PM on Sunday. Thank you for your help!

Fair Trade Sale (March 8/9th)
Equal Exchange goods such as coffee, tea, chocolate and nuts will be available for purchase after all Masses in the Gathering Space.
Buying from fair trade sales supports ethical and sustainable practices in global trade. Fair trade ensures that farmers — often in developing countries — receive fair wages, work in safe conditions, and have access to community development funds. This approach helps combat poverty and promotes environmental sustainability to protect God’s earth.
Organized by the Advocacy for Peace and Justice Ministry.

Blood Drive
Save a life! Be a blood donor.
St. Peter’s is hosting a Blood Drive! Join us for a blood drive at St. Peter the Apostle Church Parish Center:
When: Saturday, March 8, 2025
Time: 9am – 3pm
Why Donate?
Saves lives – Just one donation can help up to three people in need!
Support your community – Local hospitals and patients rely on generous donors like you!
Feel good and stay healthy - Donating helps replenish blood supplies and offers a free mini health check!
How to Prepare:
Eat a healthy meal and stay hydrated before donating.
Bring a valid ID.
Walk-ins are welcome but appointments are encouraged.
Call Donna Grotheer, Parish Nurse @ 201-261-3366, ext. 209 for more information!
So, Be a HERO – give the gift of life!

Annual Appeal In-Pew Weekend
Join us at all the Masses on the weekend of March 8th and 9th for the Annual Appeal In-Pew Weekend! You'll have the opportunity to learn more about the benefits and impact of this year's Annual Appeal, ask questions, and make your gift or pledge.
To make your gift online today, please visit rcan.org/sharing. Your support directly benefits the vital ministries of the Archdiocese of Newark. Reaching this year's goal of $112,316 will give St. Peter's significant financial benefits. In 2024, $32,000 came back to St. Peter's as a result of achieving our goal. Thank you for your continued generosity!

Stations of the Cross 3/7
Each Friday during Lent you’re invited to a spiritual journey through the path of Christ’s suffering, from Pilate's praetorium to His tomb. You will be guided through the 14 stations of the cross around the church with prayer, meditation and reflection, with booklets provided to assist you.
Stations of the Cross takes place at St. Peter’s on the following dates and times:
Friday, March 7th at 7pm
Friday, March 14th at 7pm
Friday, March 21st at 7pm
Friday, March 28th at 7pm
Friday, April 4th at 7pm
Friday, April 11th at 7pm
Good Friday, April 18th at 12pm
Come experience this powerful way to connect more deeply with the story of Christ's sacrifice.
Curious how Stations of the Cross originated? Learn more here.

Prayer Shawl Ministry 3/7
Prayer Shawl Ministry meets most Wednesdays at 10am in the Parish Center. New members are always welcome.

Support Group for Singles, Divorced and Widowed 3/6
Tired of being alone? St. Peter's Support Group for Singles, Divorced and Widowed could be the answer!!! This group is devoted to helping people rebuild social lives after a divorce, loss of spouse or loved one, or the isolation of life as a single adult. Its leaders and compassionate members have been through, survived and prospered after similar situations.
This warm and caring group of sincere people have created a community that supplies generous support to its members. First time visitors are offered a private orientation by one of our group leaders. Meetings are held on most 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month at 7pm in the Parish Center. For more information check out the group’s website.
![[SOLD OUT] SPA Spring Tricky Tray](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/64c02c3001b10f2f803fc720/1738336530237-BBZM84LWOWSQEA9YJ4TQ/Web+-+St.+Peter+Academy+Spring+Tricky+Tray+2025.png)
[SOLD OUT] SPA Spring Tricky Tray
UPDATE: This event has SOLD OUT. Thank you for supporting St. Peter Academy!
St. Peter Academy will holds its Spring Tricky Tray on Thursday, March 6, 2025, from 6pm-10pm in the St. Peter Academy Gym. Order form can be found here. Admission of $45 includes gourmet buffet, dessert, soft drinks, one sheet of level 1 prizes. Tables of 8 or 10 available for a discount, ticket bundles available for purchase.
Questions? Email SPATrickyTray@gmail.com