I’m New

Hello! Whether you’re new to the faith, new to our parish, or returning, we welcome you to St. Peter’s.

Welcome to St.Peter’s! How can we help you grow in your faith?

Welcome from Fr. AJ

Our Mission

  • Proclaiming the Gospel

  • Celebrating the liturgy of joy and thanksgiving

  • Building a welcoming community

  • Serving the needs of our neighbors with special care for the poor and marginalized

  • Reaching out, inviting all to share this journey with us

 Visit Us for Mass

Mass Times

Monday–Saturday 9am
Saturday 5pm
Sunday 8am | 10am* | 12pm

*livestream available


Exterior of St. Peter the Apostle Parish Church with bell tower and front doors on tree-lined street
  • Regular weekend masses are approximately 1 hour long.

  • While we recommend arriving a bit before your mass time, it’s really up to you.

    • Some parishioners enjoy coming amply early for quiet prayer or solitude.

    • Many parishioners arrive 10-15 minutes early to socialize or enjoy a peaceful moment.

    • It’s not uncommon for parishioners to be rushing in around mass start time either!

    • Our ushers can help escort you to a seat if you arrive late — no worries!

    Regardless of when you come, our doors are always open for weekend masses and you will be welcomed with a smile.

  • Nope! Most parishioners dress casually for regular weekend masses. Dress however formal or casual you prefer.

  • Your children of all ages are most welcome to attend mass! We believe that a faith-filled life is built on the foundation of families experiencing their faith together. St. Peter’s is a welcoming and family-centered environment. In the words of Fr. AJ, “[Kids] are the future of our church. Make all the noise you want. Don’t let that bother you at all.”

    During certain parts of the year, Children’s Liturgy of the Word, which invites the children to attend kid-tailored scripture experiences — will be offered for younger children as an alternative to the readings and homily.

    If you do need to step out during mass, there are quiet areas with benches right outside the main doors (with speakers) and two outside garden areas.

  • No, visitors are not expected to give a donation (although we are grateful for your generosity if you decide to do so). We do not send collection baskets around during Mass, but outside the church doors there are offering boxes to place cash or checks in, along with a QR code for giving via Venmo. Thank you!

  • There is a large parking lot which you can enter at the main Fifth Avenue entrance.

  • Yes. There are ramps on the entryway sidewalks, and elevator access in the side entrance from the parking lot.

  • No! All are welcome. However, you must have received the sacrament of First Holy Communion in order to receive the Eucharist.

“Be who you were created to be, and you will set the world on fire.”

— Saint Catherine of Siena

With 49 ministries, there’s a place for you.

  • View from back of church of teens sitting in pews wearing casual clothes watching a video projected on the large screen

    Kids & Youth

    Programs and communities to help foster a Catholic upbringing for young kids and teens.

  • Man and woman walking up church aisle in semi-casual clothing holding the unconsecrated bread and wine for gift presentation

    Serve the Church

    Opportunities to dedicate your talents and time towards mass experiences, fundraisers and more.

  • Back and side views of mostly middle-age adults sitting at round tables in a large meeting room looking in the same direction

    Community & Spirituality

    Connect with other members of the church and deepen your connection with God.

  • Hands of two people being held together affectionately

    Support & Counseling

    Find support groups for tough situations, and other avenues for spiritual healing.

  • Candid view of 5 adult volunteers doing gardening activities

    Outreach & Volunteering

    Participate in ways to help others locally and beyond.

Ready to join our parish?

St. Peter’s has been a religious “home” to thousands since 1948.

Contact Us

Parish Office Hours
Monday to Thursday
9:30 AM - 3:00 PM

Church Welcome Desk
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

(201) 261-3366

(201) 261-0117
