Serve the Church

Deepen your connection to worship and experience the fulfillment of helping our church thrive.

Outdoor statue of St. Peter holding keys

Volunteer on a team

Our programs and services are made possible by the volunteers behind them. A generally small commitment of time can go a long way in enabling others to participate in fundamental and enriching faith experiences. Explore opportunities to serve:

  • Cantor singing with smile and arms raised, with young women in choir signing behind him

    Music Ministry

    Add beauty to our liturgies through the Adult or Children Choirs — an enjoyable way to connect with the scripture and others.

  • Young altar server wearing white robe with cross, walking down church aisle

    Altar Servers

    Serve Jesus Christ and the congregation through supporting our mass leaders.

  • Hand holding up cell phone against wall with painted chat bubble containing a social media "like" icon

    Communications Ministry

    Contribute your creative and communicative talents towards helping parishioners know what’s happening, deepen their faith, and feel more connected within the St. Peter’s community.

  • Young woman speaking at the podium


    Give your speaking gifts towards proclaiming the Word of God and prayer at mass, and by doing so, connecting deeper with the scripture.

  • Hands holding Eucharistic bread above shiny bowl

    Eucharistic Ministers

    Share your devotion of the body and blood of Christ through serving it to parishioners at mass.

  • Gold bowl with unconsecrated bread and cruet of unconsecrated wine crudit of


    Older children and teens can step up for this essential role in ensuring elements required for the liturgy are set up and stored as needed.

  • Deacon Andy holding up a fancy gold and silver decorated bible at mass

    New Evangelization Ministry

    Help those in need of faith discover and embrace their pathway to the Church.

  • Ushers

    Your regular mass can be the opportunity to make someone’s day by greeting and assisting parishioners at church.

  • Gift Presenters

    Often done in conjunction with dedicating a Mass Intention, you’re provided the opportunity to walk up the bread and wine to the celebrant at a mass.

  • Funeral Altar Servers

    Open to adults, give your time and devotion to God towards serving masses of funeral liturgy.

  • Altar Linens

    Take a behind-the-scenes role in helping with the upkeep of these liturgical linens.

  • Baptismal Bibs

    Help provide our newest little members of the church with these essential sacramental items.

Group photo of Pastoral Council members with Father A J, Father Paul, Deacon Paul

Pastoral Council

Serve on the leadership group that partners with the pastor and other church leaders in an effort to amplify the great things about our parish and further improve it.

Related Happenings

“Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

— Matthew 5:16

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Church collection basket with envelopes and cash
Statue of Jesus Christ on the cross
Volunteers weeding and gardening outside
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