Sick & Homebound
You are not alone. God is here for those suffering illness, physical constraints, and end of life.
Eucharistic Visits to the Sick and Homebound
We’ll bring church to those who cannot physically come to church.
If you or a loved one is physically unable to come to mass, consider watching the mass livestream and requesting a visit from our Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick and Homebound. They come with open ears and hearts to bring the comfort of Christ in the form of the Eucharist. In this way, the sick and homebound are united to the Body of Christ present in our community.
Or call Donna Grotheer, Pastoral Minister to the Sick & Homebound, through the Parish Office at (201) 261-3366 to request by phone.
Volunteering for the Ministry to the Sick and Homebound
Experience the fulfillment of extending the Eucharist to those who need the help. Members of this ministry are trained and mentored. The time committment varies and is determined according to the needs of both the minister and the one visited.
Requirements to join include:
Being a baptized Catholic and a registered parishioner of St. Peter’s who participates in weekly mass, communion services, and personal prayer.
Practicing the art of listening and understanding with love and respect during visits.
Completing a training session through the Archdiocese of Newark.
Anointing of the Sick
The Lord’s healing presence can bring spiritual and even physical strength.
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, in which a priest administers a blessed Oil of the Sick, can be given to anyone who is:
suffering from a serious illness
in danger of death
preparing for surgery
Please call the Parish Office at (201) 261-3366 to arrange for a visit from a priest or deacon, and use the after-hours emergency extension for urgent needs. If the person is hospitalized, you may use the online request form below.

Next Mass of Anointing of the Sick
Saturday, April 5, 2025
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Prayer for Our Absent Sisters and Brothers
Father, your Son accepted our sufferings to teach us the virtue of patience in human illness. Hear the prayers we offer for our sick brothers and sisters. May all who suffer pain, illness, or disease realize that they have been chosen to be saints and know that they are joined to Christ in his suffering for the salvation of the world. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.