Prayer Requests & Intentions
Amplify your prayers to God through St. Peter’s community and worship.
Mass Intentions
Every year, the opening of a new Mass Intentions Book will be announced for parishioners to reserve dates for dedicating a mass in memory of a loved one. The name will be printed under Masses for the Week in the weekly bulletin, and read aloud for prayer during mass.
Throughout the year, we ask that you first contact the Parish Office to reserve the mass date and kindly make a $10 donation.
Call the Parish Office at (201) 261-3366 to reserve a date.
Altar Bread, Wine or Lamp Memorials
The Altar Bread, Wine or Lamp are available to reserve in memory of a loved one. Your memorial will be printed under the Masses for the Week in the weekly bulletin.
The offering is $20 per item per week. We ask that you first contact the Parish Office to reserve the mass date, and then make your one-time gift through check or online (FaithDirect).
Call the Parish Office at (201) 261-3366 to reserve a date.
Book of Intentions
Behind the last pews in the church, our Book of Intentions is available for you to write names for our priests and deacons to include in daily mass.
For those unable to come to church and write in the Book of Intentions, you can submit names here to be included as well.
Parish Prayer Chain
Request the power of prayer from our Prayer Chain — a group of parishioners devoted to praying for those in need.
Please see our bulletin for how to request a prayer from this group.

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; and he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, it shall be opened.”
— Matthew 7:7-8