Get Involved / Serve the Church
Altar Servers
Answering the call to serve
To be an altar server is an honor as a young Catholic. Each member of the Church has their role to play, and you are no different despite your age. You have access to a unique experience in altar serving — your role elevated above casual participation — serving not only the priest, but also Jesus Himself.
Altar serving enables you to engage further with the liturgy and mass, taking the next step to get involved with the Church and grow in your faith. Many are called, but few answer. Will you?

“Your commitment to the altar is not only a duty, but a great honor, a genuine holy service… The Altar Server occupies a privileged place in the liturgical celebration… Therefore, in the liturgy, you are much more than simple ‘helpers of the parish priest.’ Above all, you are servers of Jesus Christ, of the eternal High Priest. Thus, you, Altar Servers, are called in particular to be young friends of Jesus.”
— St. John Paul II
What you give
Your time. You will be expected to attend a training session to learn all the responsibilities expected of you. You will also be expected to attend the masses you serve at as expected and when called.
Your attention. You will be expected to remain focused and committed to helping serve the priest during mass, making sure you complete your tasks when you are supposed to.
Your participation. You will be expected to participate in mass fully, having proper respect and form when serving at the altar. Some roles that will be expected of you include:
Candle-Bearer: During the procession into mass, and during select times during the mass itself (i.e. during the reading of the Gospel), you will be expected to carry candles in respect and reverence for the mass.
Liturgical Book Holder: When needed, you will be expected to hold the liturgical book for the priest to read from.
Preparation of the Gifts: When the gifts are gathered and prepared, you will be expected to assist in collecting the gifts and helping the priest to prepare them for the transubstantiation and communion process.

“Offer Jesus your hands, your thoughts and your time, and he will not fail to reward you, granting you true joy and making you feel where the most complete happiness is found.”
— Pope Francis
What you get
A community. You will join a close knit and friendly group of other devoted altar servers who will come to be like siblings to you.
Support. You will receive the respect and support of the other members of Saint Peter’s who will learn and be taught by your example and reverence.
Important skills. You will develop skills that will help you throughout your life. Some of these skills include:
Listening. You will better develop your ability to listen to and follow directions which will allow you to better understand your parents and friends.
Leadership. You will learn how to take charge and lead your peers which will help you will school projects and even further in life.
Respect. You will learn the proper way to show respect in mass and to Jesus as he is present which will help you respect others outside of Church.

If any one serves Me, he must follow Me; and where I am, there shall My servant be also; if any one serves Me, the Father will honor him.
— John 12:26
An Altar Server should be able to accept these responsibilities:
Attend a training session before serving.
Have the desire to serve God and be prayerful and open to God’s working through him/her to enrich the liturgy for the congregation.
Be responsible and commit to serving at each assigned mass.
Arrive at the scheduled mass 15 minutes ahead of time.
Serve on a somewhat regular basis—at least once every few weeks.
Altar serving is open to fourth graders through high schoolers. Answer the calling whenever it strikes.