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Respect Life
The Respect Life Committee seeks to uphold and defend the humanity of the unborn child and to support all persons called to be responsible for the care of the unborn, as well as the elderly, terminally ill, or developmentally disabled. The goal is to help people realize the need to respect life in all its stages. This involves:
Raising awareness within the parish of alternatives to abortion and other important life issues.
Providing material assistance to women and families in crisis pregnancies within the parish and in the greater community.
Presenting and explaining church teachings to young parishioners.
Becoming part of this ministry requires an open heart to every single human life that begins in conception until natural death.

Respect Life meetings
Meets 4-5 times per year for 1 hour • Parish Center
Resources to support life from conception to natural death
Cardinal Tobin: Why all life is worthy of our protection, care
January 20, 2023 (Full Statement)
Local Crisis Pregnancy Centers:
Birthright of Bergen County
19 W. Pleasant Ave., Maywood, NJ
Phone: (201) 845-4646
24/7 HELPLINE: +1 (800) 550-4900
New Hope Pregnancy Resource Center
149 3rd Ave., Westwood, NJ
Call 24/7: (201) 722-4705
Rachel’s Vineyard
Healing the pain of abortion…one weekend at a time
Participants, who have been trapped in anger toward themselves or others, experience forgiveness. Peace is found. Lives are restored. A sense of hope and meaning for the future is finally re-discovered.
(973) 497-4350 (Option 2 for Spanish)
Get in touch with this ministry
Maria B.
Ministry Leader