Please visit our new News & Events page that has replaced the What’s Happening page.
Communal Anointing of the Sick Mass
St. Peter’s invites all who are facing major illness or surgery to receive the sacrament of anointing of the sick at the communal Mass on 3/16 — please get in touch.
CANCELLED: Connect with Coffee and Conversation 3/10 Meeting
Update: The March CCC gathering has been cancelled and rescheduled for April 14th.
First Friday Eucharistic Adoration 3/1
Deepen your connection with Christ in the Eucharist on Friday, March 1st for as little or much time as you’d like to devote.
Our Lenten Mission: An Evening with Fr. Gino
One night only! Experience our parish Lenten Mission on Monday 3/11 with guest speaker Fr. Gino. Adoration, Taizé prayer and confessions are all offered as well.
Communications Ministry 2/22 Meeting
Discover meaningful avenues for devoting your time on creative projects, social media or community connections towards helping our church.
Support Group for Parents Grieving the Death of a Child 2/19 Meeting
Any parent who has suffered the death of a child of any age, at any time in life, is invited to this support group which meets monthly.
St Peter's Support Group for Singles, Divorced and Widowed
Join this warm group on most 1st/3rd Thursdays of the month to rebuild your social life after a divorce, loss of spouse or loved one, or the isolation of life as a single adult. Next meeting is February 15th!
Stations of the Cross
Commemorate the love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ by joining in the stories, prayer, reflection and art of Stations of the Cross every Friday during Lent (beginning February 16th) at 7pm.
Reconciliation this Lent
Access the schedule of additional opportunities for confessions during this Lenten time of renewal and reflection.
Ash Wednesday & Lenten Regulations
Lent begins with Ash Wednesday Masses and services on February 14th. Please review the Church’s guidelines on obligations such as fasting.
Lenten Evenings of Peace and Friendship
Lent invites us to a time of prayer, reflection and conversation, which you’re invited to join in on Tuesdays during Lent (beginning February 13th).
2024 Annual Appeal
Every year we’re invited to participate in an opportunity to support essential ministries and programs of our Archdiocese. Watch the video to learn more!
Join a Lenten Small Group (2024)
Dive into scripture and spirituality this Lent by joining a small group by February 6th. Groups begin meeting the week of February 12th!
SPA Beefsteak Dinner 2024: Photos
Check out the photo gallery from this year’s annual Beefsteak Dinner, and thank you to all who supported St. Peter Academy through this fun-filled night!
Rosary Society Bake Sale 2024
Partake in this sweet way to support St. Peter’s parish by buying or donating baked goods after all Masses on February 10th & 1tth!
Winter Clothing Drive
Please help those in need keep warm this winter by bringing items in need to the box in the Gathering Space from February 3rd - 11th.
Connect with Coffee and Conversation 2/11 Meeting
Parishioners ages 55+ are invited to join for coffee and conversation on February 11th with guest speaker Father John Brandi!
Feast of St. Blaise and the Blessing of Throats 2024
Come get your throat blessed in celebration of the Feast of St. Blaise on Saturday 2/3!
First Friday Eucharistic Adoration 2/2
Connect with the presence of Christ in Eucharistic Adoration on Friday, February 2nd.
KoC Annual Free-Throw Competition 2024
Kids ages 9-14 are invited to participate in this free Free-Throw Competition hosted in our gym by the KoC on the evening of Saturday 1/27.