Lent is a special time for seeking the Lord. During this 40-day journey, additional opportunities to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation are available for you. Whether you haven’t been to confession since your very first Reconciliation, or you used to go all the time, all are welcome without judgment.

Individual Confessions at St. Peter’s

  • Saturdays at 4pm

  • 20 minutes before any Mass during Lent through March 27th

  • By appointment (call the Parish Office at 201-261-3366)

(Go to the private confession rooms in the back of the church, or ask a priest).

Deanery Communal Reconciliation Services

Additionally, these penance services in our local community are available to you Mondays at 7pm during Lent:

For families enrolled in Faith Formation 2023-2024, participating in reconciliation counts towards the Prayer menu category

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
— 1 John 1:9

Stations of the Cross


Ash Wednesday 2024 & Lenten Regulations