Please visit our new News & Events page that has replaced the What’s Happening page.
Ushers Needed for Christmas Masses
We need additional ushers at all Christmas masses to help make it a good experience for all. All parishioners are welcome to sign up!
St. Peter’s Christmas Rideshare
Need a ride to Christmas mass? Want to spread joy by helping out a fellow parishioner? Take part in the rideshare program we’re organizing this Christmas!
Support Group for Parents Grieving the Death of a Child 12/18 Meeting
This season of light and joy can be a time of darkness and grief when you’ve lost a child. The Support Group for Parents Grieving the Death of a Child is meeting 12/18 and welcomes anyone who has suffered the death of a child of any age, at any time in life.
Christmas Spiritual Bouquet 2023
We’re offering all Christmas Eve and Christmas Day masses to the living and deceased enrolled in the Spiritual Bouquet. Get the form here to include your loved ones.
Advent & Christmas Schedule 2023
St. Peter’s invites you to share in the warmth of the season through specials masses, music, reconciliations and other services to celebrate Our Savior.
Reconciliation this Advent 2023
In this time of spiritual awakening and renewal, we’ve opened up more opportunities for you to participate in confessions this Advent season.
A Service of Lessons and Carols
St. Peter’s Music Ministry invites you to this beautiful tradition of song and prayer!
Advent Taizé Prayer
Take part in this prayer service of song, silence and contemplation Wednesday evenings during Advent as we enter into this joyful season of preparation and hope.
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Friday 12/8 is a holy day of obligation for attending mass as we celebrate the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
First Friday Eucharistic Adoration 12/1
Experience this powerful practice of connecting with Jesus through Eucharistic Adoration on Friday 12/1.
Connect with Coffee and Conversation (formerly St. Peter’s Seniors) 12/10 Meeting
Make the most of your Sunday 12/10 connecting with other parishioners 55+ over coffee, conversation and Christmas spirit!
St. Peter Academy Gift Card Program
Support St. Peter Academy and save time & expenses on your Christmas shopping through the Gift Card Program. Orders must be received by 12/8 latest.
Turkey Trot & Turkey Drive 2023 Highlights
Extending warm wishes for your Thanksgiving and gratitude for your support and generosity with both the Turkey Trot and Turkey Drive.
Financial Update and Letter from Fr. AJ (November 2023)
Access Fr. AJ’s letter to the parish providing a financial update of the church.
Annual Giving Tree 2023
Bring joy and support to those in need this Christmas by signing up to buy a gift and returning it (unwrapped) to the Gathering Space by December 17th.
Advent Evenings of Peace and Friendship
On Tuesdays throughout Advent, Small Christian Communities invites you to conversation in preparation for the birth of Christ and His second coming.
Advocacy for Peace & Justice Ministry Meeting 11/28
Looking to do some good in the local community and beyond? The Advocacy for Peace and Justice Ministry welcomes new members — come to the next meeting on 11/28!
Introductory Meeting for new Communications Ministry
Enjoy writing? Good at video editing? Learning graphic design? Love social media? You may belong in our new Communications Ministry. Learn more at this introductory meeting on 11/30!
Dedication of Pat Henry Crossing
On November 25th, gather at the crosswalk as a proclamation is read in dedication of the Pat Henry Crossing outside St. Peter Academy.
Support Group for Parents Grieving the Death of a Child 11/20 Meeting
We know the holidays are a tough time of year for anyone missing their child. Come to this 11/20 support group; you don’t need to face your grief alone. Anyone who has suffered the death of a child of any age, at any time in life, is welcome.