St. Peter’s and Hallow
We're excited to announce that, in response to parish survey feedback, we’ve partnered with Hallow, the #1 prayer app! Hallow offers over 10,000 prayers, meditations and scripture sessions with voices like Fr. Mike Schmitz, Mark Wahlberg and Jonathan Roumie, plus mental health content, audiobooks, music and more.
All parishioners – subscribers and those on the free version – are invited to join St. Peter’s parish community page on the app, where you can share prayer requests, join parish prayer challenges, and grow in faith together.
To join our parish community page, visit, search by zip code (07661), and follow the prompts. New users can enjoy a $1 trial for full access to premium content. If you prefer the free version, simply hit “Skip” to join our parish page where you will have access to our challenges and other content.
Our first parish initiative is the Lent Pray40 Challenge starting on Ash Wednesday, March 5th. We invite you to take on this daily prayer challenge alongside fellow parishioners as a way to deepen your prayer life this Lent. We’re also offering The Little Way, a kid-friendly prayer challenge. To join, visit our parish page on the Community tab and join the waitlist.
Need help? Stop by the Hallow table in the Gathering Space after Masses of our Parish Lent Preparation Weekend of March 1st & 2nd, or contact for assistance.
We look forward to praying with you!