From the Desk of Fr. AJ 2/20/2024
Lenten Greetings!
As we embark on this holy season of Lent I would like to share with you an opportunity to grow in your faith and devotion.
On March 11th, please join us for our one night Parish Mission!
Fr. Gino de la Rama is the Director of Vocations for the Archdiocese of Newark and a good friend of mine. He was a missionary in Central and South America for 5 years before joining the seminary and comes to share with us a wealth of missionary and ministerial experience.
We will start with a light pizza and salad dinner in the parish center from 5:45-6:45 (please let us know by March 3rd if you are coming for dinner so we can have lots of food for you! You can RSVP here or by stopping by the Welcome Desk in the Parish Center on a Sunday to make your reservation).
At 7pm, Fr. Gino will speak to us about The Saving Love of God: Preparing Our Hearts for the Victory of Christ. From 7:30-8:30 we will have Adoration, Taize prayer, and priests available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Finally, on a different note, I would like to give thanks to Tom Haggerty for designing and installing the new railing in the church which will assist our Lectors navigate the sanctuary stairs to and from the Ambo. Thank you, Tom for your design skills, your willingness, and your industry. We have such an amazing parish and this gift is an inspiration to me and to all of us at St. Peters!
In prayer,
Fr. AJ
Watch our most recent homily clip from Fr. AJ here.
Rev. Andrew J. DeSilva