Mass Schedule
Weekend Mass
Saturday 5pm
Sunday 8am | 10am* | 12pm
*livestream available
Daily Mass
Monday–Saturday 9am
Reconciliation (Confession)
Saturday 4pm
Before any Masses (just ask a priest)
By appointment (contact the Parish Office at (201)261-3366)
Come to the confessional rooms at the back of the church.
Eucharistic Adoration
Come spend time with our Lord in the Eucharist every First Friday of the month from 9:30-3pm (following 9am mass) in the chapel.
Stop in for a few minutes, or get in touch to sign up to devote a larger period of time.
Holy Days of Obligation
9am and 7:30pm on Holy Day
While nothing replaces the spiritual impact and community atmosphere of praying together in one place, we’re happy to continue providing livestream masses for those unable to attend in-person.